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About Us

The Business Health Matters programme has been developed to support local businesses in improving the physical and mental health of their employees, so that staff are happier, healthier, and more resilient.

The Active Lancashire led initiative is supported by a range of partners including UCLanLancashire MindUKactive, and a host of Lancashire based local authorities and leisure trusts.

For a full list of partners, click here.

By delivering training, health checks, workplace training and supportive wellbeing packages in workplaces, employees are empowered to improve their overall health whilst employers benefit from increased productivity within their workforces.

Whether you’ve accessed our Workplace Health Champions training or accessed a health checks, below is a list of local Lancashire based services that are available for you to access. The services will focus on 5 areas of support:

  • Weight management
  • Exercise/Gym
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Mental Health
  • Alcohol/Substance support

Other Local and national services available:

Mental Health Support

Business Health Matters partner Lancashire Mind, have a range of services available

NHS every mind matters resources

Substance Misuse support

CSI Programme runs across Lancashire and provides activities and support for those who need to build their resilience to substance misuse. Learn more by clicking on the link.

Nutrition and Physical Activity

NHS Healthier families provides, resources, guides and ideas on how to eat healthier and be more active.

Learn more about the Business Health Matters