A positive working environment for tackling work-related stress

tackling work related stress

In today’s fast-paced world, work-related stress has become a significant concern for both employers and employees. It can negatively impact mental and physical health, reduce productivity, and even lead to burnout. However, there are steps that employers can take to create a positive working environment that reduces stress and supports their team’s overall wellbeing.

In this blog post, we will explore how creating a workplace wellbeing strategy can help create a happy and productive team.

A positive working environment is one in which employees feel valued, respected, and supported. It is a place where they can thrive, grow, and develop both personally and professionally. A positive work environment can also lead to a decrease in work-related stress. This can be achieved in several ways, including:

  1. Clear Communication

Effective communication is a key aspect of a positive work environment. It is important to ensure that there are clear lines of communication between management and employees, and that everyone knows what is expected of them. When employees feel heard and understood, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated to perform their best.

2.Encourage Work-Life Balance

Encouraging work-life balance can help reduce work-related stress. Providing flexible work arrangements such as telecommuting or flexible working hours can help employees balance their personal and professional lives. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, engagement, and motivation.

3. Recognition and Appreciation

Recognising and appreciating employees for their hard work and contributions is crucial. Regularly acknowledging and rewarding employees for their efforts and achievements can create a positive and supportive work environment. This can lead to increased morale, job satisfaction, and a stronger sense of belonging within the workplace.

4. Supportive Workplace Culture

A supportive workplace culture is essential to creating a positive work environment. This includes promoting diversity and inclusion, encouraging teamwork, and creating a sense of community within the workplace. When employees feel supported by their colleagues and have a sense of belonging, they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged in their work.

5. Employee Health and Wellbeing Programs

Employee health and wellbeing programs can also help reduce work-related stress. This includes offering access to mental health resources, wellness programs, and other support services. These programs can help employees maintain a healthy work-life balance, reduce stress levels, and improve their overall wellbeing.

We have recently created new and innovative workplace wellbeing programs to support Lancashire businesses in achieving their wellbeing goals. Creating a workplace wellbeing strategy has several benefits for both employers and employees. Some of these benefits include:

Increased Productivity: when employees feel supported, valued, and appreciated, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. This can lead to increased productivity and better performance.

Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover: when employees are happy and engaged, they are more likely to stay with the company for longer periods. This can help reduce the cost of recruiting and training new staff.

Improved Employee Health and Wellbeing: access to resources and support services can help employees manage stress, improve their mental health, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Enhanced Employer Branding: a positive work environment can also enhance employer branding. When a company is known for its positive workplace culture and commitment to employee wellbeing, it can attract top talent and create a positive reputation in the industry.

Speak to our team to learn more about becoming our wellbeing programme.

East Lancashire manufacturer makes commitment to improve employee health

Accrington-based manufacturer The Cardboard Box Company has pledged to tackle the health of its employees by offering ongoing health MOTs and wellbeing training, thanks to a local programme delivered by Business Health Matters.

Taken up by over 100 of the organisation’s employees in its first roll out, the company will now offer comprehensive physical and mental health checks to all staff, as well as regular opportunities to upskill with the programme’s Level 2 and Level 3 Workplace Health Champion Training. By combining the services, employees will be armed with the tools and information to make daily improvements to their overall wellbeing.

Managing Director at The Cardboard Box Company Daniel Johnston explained: “Our employees are the most important part of our business and I am really pleased we could bring this level of support to our team of over 140 people. When we heard about the Business Health Matters programme, it felt like a great fit for where we are as an organisation and to complement the existing mandatory health support we offer. I am delighted to see over 100 employees engage with the programme already, whether that is through the Level 2 training, or having a 1-2-1 health check to identify where they can make those small changes that really do add up!”

The programme is delivered locally by a range of well-respected partners as it works to improve health and wellbeing in Lancashire-based SMEs. Funded by the European Social Fund and Innovate UK, the not-for-profit initiative offers a range of services to support businesses of all sizes to create healthier and happier teams across the county.

Hyndburn Leisure’s Head of Health and Wellbeing Linda Horsfield added: “We know that by improving the health and wellbeing of employees, businesses are more productive and successful. Here in Hyndburn, we have a lot of work to do in improving the health of our residents, so it was a pleasure to introduce the programme to The Cardboard Box Company. We are looking forward to working with them to deliver this ongoing service and seeing how much of a difference we can make together.”

Fully-funded training is available to SMEs across Lancashire until December 2023, with health checks available at just £60 per employee. To find out more about Business Health Matters and the support on offer to businesses, click here: https://www.businesshealthmatters.org.uk/