Business Health Matters Reaches New Milestone for Lancashire Businesses

We are proud to announce that we have now trained over 100 employees from Lancashire-based businesses as part of our Workplace Health Champion programme.

Tanya, a workplace health champion tutor from our partners in South Ribble Borough Council, presents Level 2 certificates to newly qualified champions from local businesses.

Part of Active Lancashire, the strategic lead for sport and physical activity in Lancashire, and funded by the European Social Fund, Business Health Matters has developed this training programme in response to the rising challenges and concerns over employee health and wellbeing, increased levels of work-related stress, greater numbers of absence due to poor health and the prominent mental health concerns within organisations of all industries.

“The Workplace Health Champion Level 2 Training was extremely useful as a Manager,”

Donna Marshall, Deputy CEO & Partnership Manager at Selnet.

“The learning and group discussion brought about lots of ideas on how we can make our workplace a happier and healthier one. I’m looking forward to putting in place some new schemes with support of our other Health Champions.” 

Donna Marshall, Deputy CEO & Partnership Manager at Selnet.

The newly trained workplace health champions, now equipped with the appropriate skills and knowledge, can use their unique understanding of their own organisation to identify what their team needs. Whether it is forming a lunchtime walking group or putting individuals through their mental health first aid, the champions have the ability to address the specific challenges their business faces when it comes to wellbeing in the workplace.

Danielle Steenbergen, Salon Manager at the Salon at Maxy Farm, was one of the first businesses to take advantage of the training. 

“I think the impact of the programme on businesses in Lancashire could be huge. Offering opportunities like this will not only help people become healthier, but also shows employees that you care about them as a whole person, not just as employees.”

Danielle Steenbergen, Salon Manager at the Salon at Maxy Farm.

As the community of workplace health champions grows, the more we will see organisations waking up to the new pandemic of poor wellbeing and looking for opportunities to support their staff and boost the health of their workforce. With this emerging network of individuals advocating better health and sharing their experiences, organisations can begin to tap into what is affecting their workers and draw from the successes of others to shape the future of Lancashire’s wellbeing. 

To find out more about the workplace health champions training, contact the Business Health Matters team on 01772 299838.

For further contact information, click here.